Tuesday, February 1, 2011

True Story....

One night... a couple days ago I logged onto my facebook at about 5am. I hadn't slept that night because I stayed up all night organizing my bedroom. I had been slacking on my facebook messages because I was so busy so I thought I would log in to see what was happening. At that time I had a ton of friend requests and check out one in particular. His friend in common with me was a Bollywood actress so I added him. Instantaneously he logged onto facebook and sent me a chat message. I replied. From there he proceeded to tell me he was depressed. I assumed he was reaching out to me because of the non profit organization I run called Live Out Loud Charity which aids in the prevention of suicide. I started to mentor him. I learned that he currently resides in India, had a business that failed which was making saari's and suits, and was extremely depressed. I shared my knowledge of God, used my QPR training, and helped him through this tough time. By the end of the conversation this is what he wrote me: "I want you to know that before I was talking to you, I was looking for easy ways to commit suicide on google. My computer was running slow so I logged onto facebook to pass time. I saw you were on so I told you I was depressed. I dont know why I did. By the grace of God you helped me. It is because of you that I have hope now. Thank you." I was shocked... even having lost a childhood friend to suicide and having faced many hardships myself, I was still shocked that people hurt this much... they hurt so much they want to end their lives. I was so grateful to God that I stayed up all night to happen to login to fb and be able to reach out to this person. This person, full of so much potential. He makes some of the most beautiful saari's in the world. The photos on his facebook of his creations were outstanding. His major concern was his failed business and if he should start back up again. He said he lost all hope. I explained to him that the greatest individuals that ever lived such as our inventors and leaders had failed countless times. They were spit on, discriminated against, put down, and looked down upon. But they kept going. Through perseverance and faith they made it. Once they had success everyone respected them again. He too can succeed, just like you, and just like me. Your business is only ONE aspect of your life, at the end of the day you are still a mother or father, brother or sister, possibly a caretaker, a friend, a believer, and so much more. I told him it will take hard work but to learn from the reasons that made his business fail the first time. After this mentoring he sent me those beautiful words. It is so scary to know that people come that close to taking their own lives, but this is reality. This is why I do what I do. Suicide and depression exist but if we take our moment to help someone we could each save a life. I had no idea how severe the situation with this individual was at the start of the facebook chat conversation and I am so grateful to God that I gave him my time. I thank God so much for allowing me to share my knowledge and for using me as an instrument for his word and love. Please take time out of your day to acknowledge someone in need... you never know how much they truly need you. Especially men, they have a harder time expressing their deeper emotions for fear of rejection and seeming unmanly. Please reach out and love each other. I thank this man for reaching out to me, I now have a friend in India. He says one day he will send me a fully stitched beautiful saari. Last but certainly not least I thank God.

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